1. Pull the repository
2. In adoxx development toolkit, import the file SmartCityEmergency.abl from the Adoxx folder. In Library attributes, set up the external coupling to the modi.leo file in the Configuration folder
3. Open the modi.leo file and set up the path to the scripts in the Scripts folder.
4. In the MockData folder, execute the python script to generate 3 csv files. To run the script again in order to generate new data, remove the previous .csv files from the folder.
5. For every script in the Script folder, update the path to point to the right file (FireSensorData.csv in asc_fireSensorData.asc, FloodSensorData.csv in asc_floodSensorData.asc, ElectricitySensorData.csv in asc_powerOutageSensorData.asc and the folder ExportData for asc_exportData.asc)
6. In the modelling toolkit, create your model. From the Sensor Data tab, click on each of the tabs to feed the data into the sensor class. From the Export Emergencies tab, click on Export as XML to generate the emergencies report in the ExportData Folder.
7. To view the modelling method after the experiment (as described in the seminar paper), import the file SmartCityEmergency_postExperiment.abl from the Adoxx folder and make sure the previous steps are fulfiled.