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The car-sharing provider’s cars can monitor their own state in terms of the viral load on the inside of the car and communicate it to potential customers
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Personal routing - offer the routing with choices, where a user can store his personal preferences for a route.
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An intelligent priority queue system for car sharing services.
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The customer gets a dynamic price (rental car) generated based on the current environmental factors.
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To model a receipt for a burger in ADOxx and after the receipt is finished the DoBot should be controlled to stack the burger in the right order.
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Dobot should be able to play simple songs on the piano.
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Makeblock Rover & DOBOT RobotArm - Making a pizza
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The concept of “Smart” models is used to allows the creation of models that are easy to understand and reproduce for humans and can be read by a machine. Example: Coffee/Tea Making
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Increasing the functionality of the model execution environment with feedback messages.
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Automatization of the order preparation processes in an online grocery store’s warehouse using robotic workers.
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Smart Tourguide goes through a physical world with attractions and has the information about it due to the through the use of image recognition.
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